Chris Jericho

Ukrainians authorities say that a theater in Mariupol was bombed this wednesday. Hundreds of civilians were sheltering inside, including many pregnant women and children. A nearby swimming pool facility was also hit.

Russian officials deny the attack but videos show the middle section of the theater diminished to rubble and white smoke billowing from the building.

After many almost a day of suspense, it was discovered that the bomb shelter inside the theatre held up. Once the rubble was cleared, people were exiting alive, though a Ukrainian official said that rescue efforts are greatly hindered by the danger of further Russian attacks.

According to the city hall in Mariupol, 80% of residential housing in the city has now been destroyed.

The United States has imposed further sanctions, removing Russia from trade completely. It now joins North Korea and Cuba as the only countries the US does not have a trade relationship with. The EU also made a statement condemning the war crimes Russia has commited.